With Acorn, your cells are collected via plucked hair follicles and are safely cryogenically frozen. This stops the cells from aging, giving you a collection of your own younger cells to use in upcoming treatments.

Here’s a breakdown of how it works: 

  1. Booking a collection: You can book a collection directly with one of our partner clinics. Full list available here
  2. Follicle Collection appointment: At your clinic appointment, a trained technician plucks 50 in-tact hair follicles. The appointment takes roughly 20 minutes and has minimal discomfort, similar to plucking eyebrow hairs. After the plucking is complete, the collection is prepared and shipped them to Acorn's lab. 
  3. Setting up your Acorn account: After the collection appointment, you'll be provided with instructions to set up your Acorn storage account. 
  4. Laboratory processing: Upon arrival at the Acorn lab, the collection is thoroughly examined  and a report confirming the viability of your cells is emailed.⁠
  5. Cryopreservation: Using cryopreservation, we freeze your cells to a temperature of -196°C. This ensures that they stay healthy and viable for your lifetime and are ready for you to access when you need them. 
Your cells will be safely preserved and ready to access for future cell-based treatments.